Thomas Nelson - KJV NKJV® Parallel Bible with Center-Column References - Hardcover w/Dust Jacket (1991)
Thomas Nelson - KJV NKJV® Parallel Bible with Center-Column References - Hardcover w/Dust Jacket (1991)
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Now you can have the benefit of a dual-translation reference edition of the classic King James Version and the modern New King James Version®, joined together in a single volume to make a superlative resource for comparative Bible study. The center-column references bring a new dimension to parallel Bible study: cross-references that work with both translations!
Nelson's KJV/NKJV® Parallel Bible with Center-Column References is also a great way to enjoy and compare the beauty and accuracy of both the enduring King James Version and the outstanding New King James Version® without having two Bibles open. And this is the perfect transition Bible if you are thinking about moving from the classic King James to a modern translation.